Permbajtja – Composition

Each ml solution contains: 250 mg kanamycin base

Doza dhe Perdorimi/Used and dosage

Indications: Septicemia, mastitis, endometritis, urogenital and respiratory infections; salmonellosis, secondary infections in case of viral disesases, abscesses and flegmons. Administration/dosage: By intramuscular or subcutaneous injection or, in case of very acute infections, slowly intravenously: Horses, cattle: 2 ml per 100 kg b.w. daily. Foals and calves: 2 ml per 50 kg b.w. daily. Pigs and sheep: 2 ml per 50 kg b.w daily. Small animals: 0,1 ml per 1 kg b.w daily. Poultry 0,1 ml per 1 kg b.w daily intra-uterine 1-2 ml